
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Italy: Chapter 4: A little Drama in Padua

Back to the trains and onto Padua!
We got to our hotel room in Padua only to realize we didn't have David's camera bag! We checked in the lobby and called our last hotel with no luck. 

We ran back to the train station and, with a lot of convincing, got a conductor to call a friend. They figured out that our train went to Venice and was now on its way back through Padua and onto Rome. We waited on the platform with our fingers crossed:
The train arrived and we questioned all the conductors from the train. I found a picture of the bag to show them:
Finally we found a conductor that recognized the bag. He went back on the train and came back out with David's bag! I could have kissed all the conductors but I contained myself.

After the adrenalin rush we enjoyed a nice eventing exploring the city. Here's the canal from Venice that the royalty would party on in Shakespear's time:

Magnolia trees in bloom:

Part of the original city wall:

Dinner in a small osteria off the beaten path:

If you can't read the Italian menu, don't fret: everything's good in Italy! 

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