
Monday, July 8, 2013

Mammoth Hot Springs and Bunsen Peak

After the thermal pools, we drove up to Mammoth Hot Springs and hiked around the Terraces:

Hike up Bunsen Peak: On the drive up we hit some buffalo traffic and passed a deep waterfall and ravine. The trailhead was an old road and a cross country ski trail. After hiking a couple of minutes on this our trail turned left and turned into a one track hiking trail through dense pine and burned away areas. This meandered along the ravine and waterfall that we passed on the drive up and came to a large field of grass and shrub. We crossed the field and started up switchbacks that slowly worked their way to the other side of the mountain. There was still snow on top so we didn't go all the way to the summit. On the way back down the switchbacks we spotted a mother Elk down in the field acting a little bizarre. We were told that they hide their babies and then leave them to distract predators. But when she sees something getting close to her baby she will attack. We were worried that our trail might go near her baby so we were trying to spot the baby when we saw something coming out of the woods. A black bear came out of the woods on the grassy field below us. We watched it meander along the edge of the woods away from our trail until it moved out of sight and hiked back down to our car to watch the sun set over the distant mountains. 

We found lots of old burned out areas that were sprinkled with new growth. 

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