
Monday, July 8, 2013

Custer, South Dakota

We drove through crazy twisty roads over Dead Indian Hill and down to Cody, Wyoming and straight east to Custer, South Dakota.

A little discerning when it looks like a kid's been scribbling on you GPS screen! 

Looking down on what we just drove up.


Calcite Crystals in Jewel Cave
 In Custer we went to Jewel Cave, Crazy Horse, and Mt. Rushmore. Jewel Cave had some interesting rock formations. Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse are exactly what you would expect - expensive and very big gift shops. At Crazy Horse we were getting ready to get in our car and leave when a woman came running out of the museam screaming: "Man with the white subaru!" David and I looked at each other over the hood of David's white Subaru and turned to talk to her. She told us that she was so happy that we were there because every time she sees a white Subaru it means that she is on the right path. We were very happy for her but felt a bit strange and decided to head back to our hotel.  The next day we went to Wind Cave.
Boxwork in Wind Cave

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