
Monday, May 27, 2013

Sunny all the way to Denver!

The next day we woke up to beautiful skies and continued on to Denver. Although there were no tornado warnings it was still amazingly windy! Here I am trying not to blow away while doing my best Dorothy impression:

 More beautiful skies and amazingly simple swatches of color and landscape:

 We reached Denver in the early afternoon and went strait to David's friend's house. It was a bit like Dr. Sues with having too many Daves as David's friend is also named David. It made it very easy when you wanted to call both of them! Dave (David's Friend) had a wonderful house that he has been fixing up. He just got solar panels on the roof and had a cooling system that somehow uses evaporated water. (It was so cold we through we were on the tundra instead of a little house in Detroit!) Here's his great sewing machine collection:

We went for lunch at a little hole in the wall mexican restaurant (why it is the hole in the wall places always have great food?). And then we went out for a nice easy hike. We felt a bit out of breath from the elevation difference but had a great time seeing some amazing rock formations and some mule deer.

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