
Monday, September 19, 2016

Portland: Day 1

My first day of real Vacation since 2015 was a whirlwind. 5:30AM alarm eastern time to 12AM bedtime pacific time = 22 hour day! (No I'm not a robot; still recovering this morning but I'm not regretting any of it!)

Of course I spaced on early checkin for my 8:30 AM Southwest flight from NYC to Denver. Did ya know - Southwest doesn't do seating assignments? You just get a boarding number and then it's a free for all. People are surprisingly relaxed and decently human about it! I was one of the last 10 people to board and found the last window seat in row 22! It was an easy flight. I love the geometry of mid- America:

Landed in Denver for a 45min lunch layover and then back on over the Rockies to Portland: 

After landing I took an afternoon tour of Portland with my amazing law school killing cousin, Anna:

This pic sums up Portland perfectly: A little girl's first communion at a church flying a rainbow flag while a Slut Walk parades down the street:

Went to the Art Museum which has a great collection of Native American, Asian, and European art as well as a whole building dedicated to contemporary work:

Traditional basketry technique with film:

Josh Klein's Freedom installation:

Allegoric Figure of a Woman by Franz von Stuck:

Time and the Monuments by Eugene Berman:

Pandora by Hillerbrand and Magsamen:

We also enjoyed Steve McQueen's Drumroll. Then off to one of the biggest book stores: Powells

A whole art book floor later.... oops!

A little fun at a store for Portland's newly legal recreation 😉
And then dinner at Poppa Hayden's:

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Bushwacking and Wildflowers

A beautiful day for bushwacking up in New Patlz:

The trail through this brush was worth it for the windflowers on the other side:

Smelled these before I found them:

Monday, April 4, 2016

Back in My Studio

First day back in the studio working after a long weekend of unpacking.

Finishing touches added to this sculpture - died lemon sealed, python skin (shipped from Thailand) glued on base, rocks glued on, and signed.

found wood, dried lemon with 22k gold leaf, acrylic painted air dry clay, found stones, python skin, wood base
10" x 5.5" x 5.5"

Friday, March 25, 2016

Goodbye VSC

What a sad day! Here's my empty studio:

Car is packed!

Last photos with the ladies in church studios:

Back in NY... Hi NYC!

Friday, March 18, 2016

VSC: Week 3

On the long trail:   


 Sunset drive:

Work in progress: