
Monday, July 27, 2015

Rain turns to Sun

The next day was rainy and we spent it in town at the museum and tea house:

A really cool round room and basket exhibition at the Abby Museum:

Cute tea house but on edge server...

For our last day we decided to take one last hike before heading down to Brunswick. After seeing how packed Jordan Pond was we went back over to 198 and found a little parking area up to 5 different peaks. We started in a very rooty pine forest:
And went up to a bald peak:
 It was very cloudy and cool. We found hundreds of blueberry bushes and picked a water bottle full

  Here's the top of the first peak - Bald Peak

You can see the sky starting to clear up: 

 And it finally gave way to a beautiful day...

 Here we are on the next peak over...

 We headed back down and cooled off in a gorgeous little swimming hole on a lake:

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Later we took the ferry our to little cranberry island or Ellsworth:

A tiny island with only one restaurant. Very cute and rustic. Here's the door to the restaurant:

And other parts of the pier and small town....

 Back on the ferry to Bar Harbor: