
Monday, June 24, 2013

More Teton Photos

Ferry on Jenny Lake

David Serenading the Wildlife

The Tetons

After climbing around Vedawoo we headed straight to the Tetons. Our first two nights were spent in a luxurious off-season ski condo with two bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, bedroom, and private porch in Jackson, Wyoming. We hiked around the first two days, watched the sunset from a great free campground, just missed a black bear (he left a steaming pile behind), and had a great dinner and drinks - Jagermeister, hot Earl Gray Tea, and lemon. Our third night we stayed at the Jenny Lake campground and hiked Jenny Lake, Inspiration Point, and part of Cascade Pass. Starting late, we got back late and drove to Jackson for burgers. We drove back to our campsite to find a truck in our parking spot and two tents set up next to our tent. David woke a person who was sleeping in the truck and told him he was in our campsite. It turned out to be three kids down from Yellowstone for the weekend - we let them stay. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Moose at Vedawoo

Yes! I know its been two weeks! We made it home! We were plagued with bad internet connections through the second half of the trip! Let me catch you up:
After Denver we drove up to Vedawoo (crazy rock formations in Wyoming) We got in late, set up camp, and went to bed. The next morning we woke up early to watch the sun rise and was very rewarded with our first moose sighting! We had climbed up on the rock formations and looked down to find her eating breakfast just below us. Maybe it was just the lighting or maybe I was just so happy to see it but I must admit I started crying (this is saying a lot 'cause I'm not one to shed tears easily) 

Look a Moose!!

Our Campsite